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Gardeners Arms Timperley

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Gardeners Arms Timperley

41, Deansgate Lane, Timperley, Manchester, WA15 6SQ Pub Code: 0091662101

Pub Code: 0091662101

Foundation Tenancy

Est Min Ingoing Costs: £18,213

Annual Rent: £56,550

Apply for this Pub

The Gardeners Arms is in the leafy suburb of Timperley, one mile from Altrincham town centre. Timperley is an affluent area with great transport links to Manchester. The Gardeners Arms is surrounded by residential housing and demographics show the pub over indexes on high affluence adults nearby.

Available on our foundation tenancy agreement. Click here for more information on this agreement. The potential of this pub lies in driving a premium pub offer and offering quality service to patrons. Customers will visit for high quality meals and premium drinks. What would you look to implement in the pub?

The site currently trades very well via the use of live sports, pub games and weekly entertainment. It offers a selection of delicious home-made food, entertainment nights including comedy, DJs, live performances, tribute acts & music bingo events.  The Gardeners Arms also offers traditional Sunday roasts which will form a big part of your weekly success. Day time light bites menu appeals to those who are retired and a kid’s menu to attract families, along with a fantastic post work drinks crowd . There is also an opportunity to introduce breakfasts and coffee to ensure the pub is busy throughout the whole of the day. The Gardeners Arms is a well-established dog friendly pub with quality meals for everyone, including your four-legged friend.

We’re always open to new ideas, what would you do to drive trade?

If you have benefited from running or owning a pub business, we’d love to hear what experience you can bring.

The right operator for the pub will have extensive experience in a high volume, high turnover and busy premium community local. They will have a clear vision for retaining the existing loyal trade, whilst having the confidence to implement fresh ideas to attract new customers.

If this sounds like the incredible pub opportunity you have been waiting for, apply today and tell us what you can bring to this pub’s next chapter…

  • Foundation Tenancy

  • Catering Kitchen

  • Live Sports

  • Outdoor Trade

  • Private Accommodation

  • Pub Games

Trading Area & Facilities

  • 360-degree bar situated in the centre of the pub
  • Four zoned areas for both drinking & dining
  • 90 + internal covers
  • 90 + external covers
  • Fully equipped kitchen
  • Potential to utilise space and zone for private functions.
  • SmartDispense
  • Extensive west facing beer garden which attracts the sunshine late into the evening
  • Car park with thirty-eight spaces
  • Dart board

Private Accommodation

Private accommodation consists of three bedrooms, large living room, office, bathroom & separate toilet, large open plan kitchen.

Pub Financials Icon

Estimated Total Ingoing Costs


Estimated Minimum Ingoing Costs


Annual Rent
Estimated Annual Turnover
Estimated Fixtures & Fittings Value
Estimated Stock Valuation
Estimated Working Capital
The above figures are provided as a guide only and will be finalised as part of the commercial agreement. All figures quoted are exclusive of VAT.

Estimated Working Capital is an estimate of key start-up costs such as professional fees, training fee, premises license fee, F&F valuation fee & till floats. There will be additional ongoing charges payable during the term of the agreement such as property maintenance, repairs fund, SmartDispense. These costs will be outlined prior to completing a business plan and finalised at Heads of Terms.

The calculation of the Estimated Minimum Ingoing Costs assumes a minimum deposit of 1 month's rent and that fixtures and fittings (F&F) are rented. The subsequent deposit build up and F&F rental costs should be included in your financial assumptions in your business plan. Note that on FRI and Investment Tenancy Agreements deposits will always be 3 month's rent in advance and fixtures and fittings (F&F) must always be purchased. A deposit of 6 month's rent will be required for operators trading under a Limited Company with no Guarantors. In order to ensure a successful start-up, all applicants must have a minimum £10,000 un-borrowed funds.


41, Deansgate Lane, Timperley, Manchester, WA15 6SQ

Google map location image of Gardeners Arms Timperley
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