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Case study: The Bread & Cheese, Benfleet

The Bread & Cheese in Benfleet, a Star Pubs site leased by multiple operator Steve Haslam, is a pub with a great restaurant.  Sport is not its primary business. However, when major championships like the Euros are on it becomes the place to watch the games.  Steve gets behind events like these as he sees them as an important part of the calendar and believes the pub’s popularity is because of the quality of viewing, the speed of service, the atmosphere and the friendly, safe environment it offers.

It has the biggest and most screens in Essex.  The screens, which are rented for the occasion, are located outside with, the largest screen measuring 5m by 4m.  After the group stage of the tournament up to 600 people turn up for every England game. Says Steve: “We have to double staff on duty to 35 which means turning to family, friends, and ex-staff.  Everyone is required to be on duty from the pot washer to the MD. We have a beer station, a shot station, and mobile bars outside to ensure speed of service. No-one has to wait more than five minutes.  We serve all sorts of food with burgers being most popular. Pre England matches we have bands and singers providing entertainment to add atmosphere and get customers to turn up early.  With entertainment laid on after as well, people usually stay on to party after the games unless England is knocked out in which case it’s one drink and then home.

“You can spend an awful lot of money for one game if England is knocked out.  Our set up costs for staff, entertainment, extra screens for knock out stages was £20,000 in total last time.  On the day of a big game we have two engineers on site in case of technical problems and our security bill can be two to three thousand pounds. Customers are given a wrist band with their name on it on entry.  Everything is thought out and done well as it is our reputation on the line.  This year, our new look pub with outdoor cinema will be finished.  So the payback won’t just be an uplift in sales on the day, it will be a great opportunity to showcase our refurbished pub and our new offer.”